Thursday, June 30, 2011

An Interview with Jackie Zannino - Label Creations

Enjoy my interview with Jackie Zannino of Label Creations.  I met Jackie thanks to Google!  I was new to the craft show circuit and needed Hang Tag  for my products.  I found her online and felt she was the right fit for me - a female owned, home based business!  The rest is history!

FCBA: What is your name? Where do you live? (City/State/Country
Answer: Jackie Zannino, Simpsonville SC – USA

FCBA: Are you married? Children? Grandchildren?
Answer: I am Married to my best friend and this January we will celebrate the big 10! We have two amazing boys, Josh 6, and Zach, 3

FCBA: What is the name of your business? What products to you make/sell

Personalized Address Labels,Vinyl Labels, Tic-Tac Labels, Bag Tags, Checkbook Covers, Canning Labels, Bookplates, Favor tags, Note Cards, Hang Tags for Crafters & Events, and so much More! Always FREE Shipping in the USA!

FCBA: Who is your target client?
Answer: Women, women, women! We DO love to shop, don’t we??

FCBA: When did you start your business? What was your motivation?
Answer: I started this business in 1997, while still employed at American Express – I was an event coordinator there and was always creating something or other! I knew that when it came time for mew to settle down and raise my own family, I did not want to work outside of the home. so I started with a little bitty, 3 page website that only sold Address Labels. from there it grew to what Label Creations is today!

FCBA: Is this your only occupation? Do you work full-time/part-time?
Answer: I am also gainfully employed by my two sons. No pay, but the best job I’ve ever had!

FCBA: How long before starting your business did you (Sew, Crochet, Knit, Paint, etc)?
Answer: I have always made personalized items for friends and family.

FCBA: How do you advertise/build awareness?
Answer: I made A LOT of advertising mistakes, Spend A LOT of money, but through the years I have become very conscious of where every advertising penny goes and REALLY weigh the pros and cons of each!

FCBA: Do you use Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc)?
Answer: LOVE FaceBook....a little addicted I think! I do have a twitter account as well.

FCBA: How much time do you dedicate to promoting via social media?
Answer: Definitely not as much as I need to!

FCBA: Do you have an online store? Website with shopping cart, Artfire, ETSY, Zibbet, etc

FCBA: How successful is your online store?
Answer: Thanks to this economy, the last few years have been rough, but I am sticking it out. I am starting to see a turn around thank goodness.

FCBA: Do you offer in home shows, local craft shows, business expos, etc?
Answer: I have done local craft fairs around town.

FCBA: How successful are your in person sales?
Answer: Honestly, as successful as they were, what goes into getting it set up, etc. was very hard and time consuming, so I stopped for now. might go back one day...maybe when the kiddos are older.

FCBA: Looking back, what are some of the lessons you’ve learned along the way?
Answer: Funny story (well...funny NOW!) When I first started this business I knew NOTHING about copyrights! so there I was, printing up Disney characters, movie stars, anything and everything that people are into and that were an easy sell. Hey! who doesn’t want a Marilyn Monroe Address label? Soon enough the “lawyers” caught on and send out some pretty strongly worded letters. thankfully I came away unscathed financially. These days I know all the artists I work with, or I design my own art. MUCH safer that way!

FCBA: What would you do differently? And why?
Answer: I would not have spend so much loot on advertising that got me nowhere. I wish I was more selective. Hey...when you know better, you do better! (thanks Oprah!!)

FCBA: Where do you see your business in the next year/5years?
Answer: Still rockin’ the labels!

FCBA: What is one thought that you would like to leave with our readers?
Answer: Buy my Stuff!! hahahha!

Follow Jackie on Facebook at

Thank you Jackie and I wish you continued success!!

Be Creative!  Be Blessed!!

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