I've been giving a lot of thought to the direction I should take with Fabric Creations by Andrea. I've launched my ETSY destash shop www.fabcreatedestash.etsy.com and it has really taken off. I've had 8 sales in 1 month! I have a ton of fabric left to list.
At the same time I have not sewn a stitch in the same time period. Corporate America has drained me with the day to day activities of my 9-5. That being said, I do need to get back into the swing of things. I've been giving thought to focusing on 3-4 items that will be my staple/signature items, then will do others only on a special order basis.
In the meantime I will focus on my destash shop and organize a little Christmas In July sale to blow out my inventory.
I love a fresh start!
Stay with me for the new journey
Be Creative! Be Blessed!!